Hoi, I'm Mars

Often my username is also Emperor of Mars

I make 3D avatar bases and assets for social VR games!

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Coding Projects

Check out my Avatars

If you need help with an avatar, please refer to the Avatar Guide

Awesome people who's amazing texture work is contained in my products

Fileformat Project for 3D Models & Avatars

The single relevant format for VR & V-Tubing avatars is a .unitypackage that contains a scene with a setup somewhere.
There is no interoperability for avatars. And it is severely lacking for 3D models by themselves.
Using those avatars as an end-user is prohibitively difficult as it requires the use of a Game-Engine like Unity.

I'm trying to improve that, by creating a truly extensible file-format for 3d models, with the capability to be easily extended with VR avatar components, that is agnostic of any game-engine or application.
With such a format existing, an end-user friendly character-editor application could be created. Users could create their VR & V-Tubing avatars once, without the need for technical knowledge, and be able to use it everywhere.
You can view my progress in the STF Git Repository